Creating a trust in New York is a powerful
estate planning
tool that allows individuals to manage and protect their assets during their lifetime and beyond. A trust can help you avoid probate, minimize estate taxes, and ensure that your wealth is distributed according to your wishes.
What Is a Trust?
A trust is a legal arrangement in which one person (the grantor) transfers assets to another person or entity (the trustee) to hold and manage for the benefit of a third party (the beneficiary). Trusts can be customized to fit a variety of personal, financial, and family needs.
Common Types of Trusts in New York
-Revocable Living Trust:
Allows the grantor to retain control of the trust and make changes during their lifetime. This type of trust avoids probate but does not protect assets from creditors.
-Irrevocable Trust:
Once established, it cannot be altered without the consent of the beneficiaries. It can provide asset protection and estate tax benefits.
-Special Needs Trust:
Created to provide for a loved one with disabilities without affecting their eligibility for government benefits.
-Testamentary Trust:
Created through a will and takes effect after the grantor’s death. Commonly used for minor children or dependents.
Benefits of Creating a Trust
-Avoids Probate – Assets held in a trust pass directly to beneficiaries, skipping the lengthy and public probate process.
-Provides Privacy – Unlike a will, a trust does not become a matter of public record.
-Offers Control – You can specify how and when beneficiaries receive their inheritance.
-Reduces Taxes – Certain trusts can help minimize estate and gift taxes.
-Protects Beneficiaries – Trusts can safeguard assets from creditors, divorce, or irresponsible spending.
-Choose the right type of trust for your goals.
-Draft the trust document to meet legal requirements.
-Fund the trust properly by transferring assets into it.
Trusts are not just for the wealthy—they’re a smart planning tool for anyone who wants to protect their assets and provide for their loved ones. If you're considering creating a trust, contact the
Law Office Of Robert Howe
today for a consultation and personalized guidance.